………….new environmentality……….…WORKPLAYTRAVELLIFE IN INDIA

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Dalai Lama and Justin Timberlake

If given the opportunity to attend a 3-day secret Tantric Buddhist Initiation Ceremony hosted by none other than the Dalai Lama, please go. Just drop everything and go. That's what I did. The ceremony may be completely over your head. (It was for me.) But, for sure, it will be a fascinating cultural experience.

It would be improper to discuss in detail what went on at the secret ceremony—and to be honest, I understood little. But I can divulge my favorite part. It was when the Dalai Lama entered and exited the temple each day. By way of background, Bhuddism is all about minimizing the self. It requires the relinquishment of personal desire and the development of compassion for fellow human beings. Well, when the Dalai Lama walks by, people seem to forget their Bhuddist principles. Suddenly, its like he's Justin Timberlake surrounded by a crowd of tweens. Thousands push, shove, and try to get close to him. Literally hurl themselves at him. Some people cry. Dozens of bouncers and escorts have to hold the crowd back as general hysteria ensues. The Dalai Lama, maintaining his sanguinity, reaches out towards the crowd, shakes a few hands, and meets eyes with his devotees. Such a cool cat. (And an amazing person, by the way.)

Sure, he may give off a different vibe than Justin Timberlake, but the Dalai Lama's fans get just as crazed.

At the teaching. Note the path (top left) where the DL walked each day of the ceremony.
Attendees placed cushions on the floor to reserve seats. My spot is marked by a white scarf and blue cushion (lower right).


  1. Oh, how exciting for you!!! You know it makes no difference that you weren't able to understand the goings on - you were still affected by the energy field of His Holiness, as well as the high spiritual frequency running through the event. He is an amazing soul. I saw him at Millennium Park 2 years ago and the air of the bandshell shimmered around him. I don't normally see those kinds of things, so it was a pretty astounding perception. I will always remember that day!!

  2. Beth, I remember your mentioning that great Chicago experience. I wish you could have been there in Dharamsala with me!
